WWF-Philippines, GCash Have Planted 4,200 Seedlings in Ipo Watershed Throughout 2019

December 2019


Participant GCash users join staff from WWF-Philippines and GCash for a group photo after the tree planting activity. The FinTech company has committed to planting 365,000 seedlings across the country, 120,000 of which are to be planted in Ipo Watershed with the help of WWF-Philippines. Photograph © Alo Lantin / WWF-Philippines

Through a joint commitment between GCash and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines, 4,200 trees have been planted to reforest and rehabilitate the Ipo Watershed.

Fintech company GCash, in partnership with WWF-Philippines, launched GCash Forest on June 25, 2019. The project allows users to grow virtual trees through the GCash mobile application. For every virtual tree fully grown, a real tree will be planted. The Ipo Watershed serves as the primary water source for 96% of Metro Manila.


WWF-Philippines Executive Director Joel Palma joins GCash President and CEO Anthony Thomas and family on a boat as they set sail for the planting site. Photograph © Alo Lantin / WWF-Philippines

“What we’re doing here with GCash exemplifies what we stand for in our organization. We believe that every single person has a part to play in conserving and protecting the planet. Every tree planted is thanks to the work of many people coming together for the planet,” said WWF-Philippines Executive Director Joel Palma, who joined the team in Ipo Watershed for the tree planting activity. WWF-Philippines has been working to reforest and rehabilitate Ipo Watershed since 2016.


WWF-Philippines Forester Jans Reyes explains how to plant a seedling to the participating GCash users. 200 of the 4,200 seedlings were planted as part of a celebratory event for GCash Forest’s top donors. Photograph © Alo Lantin / WWF-Philippines

Of the 4,200 seedlings, 200 had been planted by GCash users on October 12 as part of a celebratory event. The event aims to engage and thank those who were first to reach the target “green energy” score to plant a Yakal (Shorea astylosa) tree through the GCash Forest. Green energy is earned by using the GCash app and doing other low carbon activities such as walking and doing cashless payments. The remaining 4,000 seedlings were planted between October and December by WWF-Philippines and its local partners, with the backing of GCash.

Additional native and endemic species of seedlings planted under the partnership also include Dungon (Heritiera sylvatica), Bignai (Antidesma bunius), Kupang (Parkia javanica), Narra (Pterocarpus indivus), Pagsaingin (Dracontomelon edule), and Palosapsis (Antisoptera thurifera).


GCash President and CEO Anthony Thomas gives his thanks to GCash volunteers. With the support of GCash’s user base, WWF-Philippines and GCash are working to reforest 365,000 seedlings across Ipo Watershed. Photograph © Alo Lantin / WWF-Philippines

“This is really a big milestone for us, to get people to see the reality of the impact we’re trying to create. While we stand for the creation of a Philippines where everybody can enjoy financial inclusion and access, the environment is something that we equally care about,” said Anthony Thomas, President and CEO of GCash. “GCash Forest aims to empower more Filipinos to take part in environmental efforts through lifestyle changes. By using their phones, they have the power to become everyday green heroes, just like our users who joined the tree planting last October 12.” GCash is looking to plant 365,000 seedlings across the country, with 120,000 committed to Ipo Watershed with the help of WWF-Philippines.

“What we’re doing is not just for economic well-being, but also for the well-being of the environment and for a better Philippines overall,” added Thomas.

Through the support of Filipinos across the country, WWF-Philippines continues to work with GCash for the protection of Ipo Watershed, which helps ensure water security for the millions of people living around Manila. As the partnership progresses, many more will come together for the conservation of the environment.


GCash users pose for a photo as they make their way through the forests of Ipo Watershed. GCash invited the first ten users to reach 20,000 energy points – enough to plant a tree in the watershed. Photograph © Alo Lantin / WWF-Philippines

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For more information, please contact:

Mr. Paolo Pagaduan
Forests for Water Program Manager

For Corporate Partnerships, please contact: 

Ms. Cloda Urquico
Corporate Partnerships Manager

For media arrangements, please contact:

Ms. Pam Luber
Integrated Communications Manager